Courage, Connection and Change

Welcome! We are dedicated to helping you live your best life!

Are you feeling stuck and not sure how to move forward?

Do you want to be more productive and have better connections with the important people in your life?

Sometimes, we need support and guidance to remind us that we are resilient. We might not be sure how to move obstacles out of the way of our dreams or where to start. Asking for help is a huge step in making changes!

We at Phoenix Rising Psychotherapy believe that understanding your therapy needs and therapist connection is essential!  Carla or Sylvie would gladly discuss your therapy wishes in a free 15-minute telephone consultation to ensure suitability.

Phoenix Rising Psychotherapy

We Are Accepting Clients!

COMING SOON - Fall of 2024!

Daring Way™ 2 Day Retreat Workshop

Ready to take the next step?

If you want support with how to Show up, Be seen, and Live brave™ in your day-to-day life, come and join us in an upcoming group focused on a curriculum developed by Brené Brown.

Connect with us if you are interested!